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Anchors Aweigh for Hackboat 2025!

We're back AGAIN after an awesome 2024 with the format you know and love. Hackers. A boat. HACKBOAT!!

Come join friends you know and meet people you don't at the chillest security conference in town.

The exact activities and schedule are still being worked on, but register today to save your spot on this sweet ride!

What is an Unconference?

"Unconferences reduce the usual emphasis on formal workshops and talks of the traditional conference structure and instead focus on informal connections."

What does this mean? We threw out the schedule! (Okay, not all of it - you do have to show up on time or the boat will leave without you.) But, there's no talk tracks. No CFP. Just people and fun stuff to do - this con is ALL HallwayCon.

About Us


This year's Hackboat Unconference, a BSides Portland production, is taking place on June 6th, 2025 from 10AM to 2PM at the Portland Spirit Caruthers Landing.

Hackboat is a unique opportunity to meet and socialize with local leaders in your security field. We’re passionate about bringing people together to create new connections, insight, and research.

We hope to see you aboard!

Attendee Information

Reasons to Attend

Find Your Level

We have something for everyone, from quiet activities to raucous debates over security methodologies - just keep OS flamewars 🔥 off the boat. You can choose how much you engage with others on this wild ride.

Get Personal

Hackboat is a small intimate setting where you can meet people that you've always wanted to meet, face to face! You can even chat with them. Please don't violate the Code of Conduct in the process.

Flock Together

Working on something interesting? Improve your presentation and communication skills at our birds-of-a-feather tables, or just talk with community members. Refine your existing concepts and explore new ideas, together.

Touch Glass

Want to learn something new that has nothing to do with Security? Come hang out at the craft table and put your hands on hobbies to help stave off the burnout.

Game On

Tables for Backdoors and Breaches as well as a security-themed TTRPG will be there to scratch your gaming itch.

Food & Drink

Lunch is provided, and there will be a selection of wine, beer and spirits available for purchase during the event.